Ukrainian and Jewish community of Moldova implement joint campaign

Project entitled “EU pro-active” has been implemented by Association of the Ukrainian Youth in Moldova “Zlagoda” in partnership with the Jewish Community of Moldova. Their join initiative aimed promotion of the EU values and information delivery about the EaP as well as the EaP minority network to the broader audience. One of the main elements of the project educational component was to increase the knowledge of the general human rights principles.

The first phase of the project was dedicated to the delivery of the training sessions to the targeted audience. Prominent experts, such as Lilia Carasciuc, the executive director of Transparency International and former national coordinator of the EaP Civil Society Platform have been invited in the capacity of the trainers.

The second part of the project was the preparation of the information campaigns in the regions by those trained course participants. Eight regional level campaigns have been supported as a result of the trainings and introduction of the effective advocacy tools to the participants.  Beside regional campaigns, there were also campaigns in the capital city, Chisinau organized.  The average numbers of the direct beneficiaries reached 250 as well as around 1000 persons are estimated as indirect beneficiaries, which acquired new information from their colleagues and through the access to the resources.

Overall, capacities of young minority leaders have been considerably strengthened. Project partners concluded that as a result of the campaign information about the EU integration, EaP as well as the project’s specific topics raised both in the capital as well as in the regions of Moldova. More has been done to promote the human rights protection in Moldova, building stronger ties among the national institutions, NGOs and local authorities. Projects results and activities have been actively published in the local media news and printed press.



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