Blog Posts
The 20 latest Blog Posts
- Ukraine’s National Minorities Trapped by the War: the Cases of Ethnic Greeks and Bulgarians
- Ukraine’s National Minorities Trapped by the War: The Cases of Ethnic Romanians and Hungarians
- They have never caused any war
- Roma solidarity: one year later
- National minorities in Armenia: prevailing climate of tolerance, but freedom of expression must be protected, early and forced marriages prevented, education improved
- Georgia: Access to water is closely interconnected with the rights of national minorities
- Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
- Yazidi bleeding hearts: The fragility of Armenia’s largest ethnic minority
- Roma From Ukraine: A Year of War and Flight
- The Year of War: Reporting on the Situation of Minorities and Migrants
- Partner Report: Covid-19 Response Action for Roma in Ukraine
- Call for joint project proposals: Dialogue and cooperation among civil society groups in human rights and conflict resolution
- Short Documentary “To Be Equal: Untold Stories”
- “Win–win situation” Pilot Project implemented in Transnistria capacitates youth in gaining basic skills and working experience, facilitating cooperation among civil society and state institutions
- Advocacy through education and empowerment – that was the Charity Foundation “Progress” strategy for roma rights advocacy campaign in Zakarpatska region
- 145 Roma activists took part in “Strengthening cooperation of Roma community and regional authorities” advocacy campaign in Poltava region
- Georgian minorities advocacy visit in Brussels
- Tolerance for diversity – “Non discrimination, advocacy and national cultures development”
- Building bridges between minorities for stronger advocacy
- Ukrainian and Jewish community of Moldova implement joint campaign
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