Best Practice Seminar on IDPs and minority rights issues
The Eastern Partnership Minorities Network, in cooperation with Civil Society Forum, and its national implementing partner in Ukraine, Social Action Centre/No Borders Project will be hosting the Best Practice Seminar on 23 of March, 2015 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The seminar will address the issues of the IDPs in Ukraine, challenges faced by the government and CSOs. The seminar will be focusing on sharing best practices from the Central European and Western Balkans and the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia regarding IDPs integration and resettlement.
EaP Minorities Network Best practice seminar is in the framework of the Civil Society Forum’s Working Group1: Minorities and anti-discrimination subgroup.
Best practice seminar: “Minority rights and internally displaced persons face multiple discrimination- instruments and strategies for protection”
Participants: Minority and human rights organisations from Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Hungary and Croatia.
Date: 23 March, 2015
Venue: Hotel „Alfavito”
35-D, Predslavynska street, Kiev, 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine