Сivic Integration Foundation (CIF)
Сivic Integration Foundation (CIF) is a non-governmental, non-profit and nonpolitical organization committed to promotion of civic integration, human rights and civil society. CIF is a leading NGO institution in Georgia in the field of civic integration and minority rights protection. The goal of the foundation is to support integration of ethnic minorities who live on the territory of Georgia and to strengthen their civic and political participation in public and political life of Georgia so that every citizen of Georgia apart from ethnical, religious or other group belongings could evenly execute rights and obligations conferred by international contracts and acknowledged by Georgia and constitution of Georgia. CIF is composed with young members representing different ethnic minorities in Georgia. The foundation also enrolls young members belonging to the Georgian ethnicity, which jointly with ethnic minorities are truing to promote civic integration and human rights protection in Georgia.
Contact information
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +995599682822
Address: 4, Pekini str. Tbilisi, Georgia
Institution type: NGO
Countries: Georgia