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Minority Rights Advocacy in the EU: A guide to NGOs in Eastern Partnership Countries
Over recent years, the European Union (EU) has become the most influential player in the Eastern Partnership countries (EaP). It is both a prominent development actor and a relevant political force in the region. For EaP countries’ minorities this is a particularly…

Georgian minorities advocacy visit in Brussels
During 9-12 March 2016, MRG Europe and the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network have organized Advocacy Visit to Brussels. A team of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Roma community representatives of Georgia have held meetings with officials from European External Action…

Building bridges between minorities for stronger advocacy
The Kremenchug based NGO “Cultural Dialogue” works for tolerance and diversity promotion in the region. The campaign within EaPMN project conducted by “Cultural Dialogue” aimed to increase cooperation between various minorities and public in the region…

Ukrainian and Jewish community of Moldova implement joint campaign
Project entitled “EU pro-active” has been implemented by Association of the Ukrainian Youth in Moldova “Zlagoda” in partnership with the Jewish Community of Moldova. Their join initiative aimed promotion of the EU values and information delivery about the…

Expanding Network? Concluding conference of the EaPMN
On 7th and 8th of December 2015, the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network hosted its final Best Practice Seminar to share experiences and methodologies applied while delivering and facilitating local advocacy as well as the EaP information campaigns by minority…

Online course for Local Authorities launched by the EaPMN
On December 1, 2015 EaPMN presented one of its activities aimed at the local authorities and public servants in the Eastern Partnership countries: an online course on local self government and minority rights. The official launch and presentation of the course…

Towards Convergence? Anti-discrimination Policies and Minority Rights Protection in the EaP Countries and the EU
The aim of the conference was to share experiences of and strengthen networking among minority representatives, civil society organizations and decision-makers on effective implementation of the anti-discrimination framework guaranteeing minority rights.

EaPMN at the OSCE ODIHR Human dimension implementation meeting
An implementing partner of the EaPMN in Armenia, Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, represented by Armen Grigoryan, has been presented at the OSCE ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Mr Grigoryan made a…