Analysis of the EU Progress reports 2014 reflecting on the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network policy paper ‘Partnership for all? Measuring the impact of Eastern Partnership on minorities’ recommendations

The report about the implementation of the ENP in 2014 covers minorities’ rights under the
section other human rights and fundamental freedoms of Political Dialog and Reform. The
report critically assesses the state of minorities in all 5 countries of EaP. The major problems
are related to the lack of implementation of adopted legislation covering minorities’ rights.
The report makes particular focus on the issues of discrimination and gender rights. Rights of
children and freedom for religious expression also receive sufficient attention. The report
covers issues of particular ethnicities only in the cases of Ukraine and Moldova. In Moldova
the report highlights the problems of Gagauz autonomy. Roma rights are mentioned as
problematic both for Ukraine and Moldova. Specific Ukrainian problem highlighted by the
report is state of Crimean Tatars. Also due to the ongoing conflict report puts special
attention on the situation with IDPs in Ukraine.


Date of publication: 1 June 2015

Total number of pages: 7

Language: english

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