Minority-Language Related Broadcasting and Legislation in the OSCE
This study reports on the basic regulations of minority-language related broadcasting of the 55 participating States of the OSCE. Specifically, the study surveys State practice with regard to:
(1) whether there are any stipulated quotas on the use of language as a vehicle of broadcasting (both for publicly- and privately-owned and run broadcasters); and
(2) whether there is any accommodation (such as, specifically allotted time, bands, financial support) for minority-language broadcasting.
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) commissioned this study because of his realisation that a) a key marker of identity is language and b) how States affect or regulate the use of language or languages has significant implications for the exercise of rights. States, through regulation, can strengthen or weaken languages and thereby, at times, strengthen or weaken the position of national minorities. In the information age, a major theatre where this takes place is in the structure of media in various societies and that is the focus of this study. Thus, the present exercise seeks to identify broad trends and indicate the different approaches for each of these.
Publisher / organisation: Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP), Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Wolfson College, Oxford University & Institute for Information Law (IViR), Universiteit van Amsterdam Study commissioned by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Date of publication: 04/01/2003
Total number of pages: 519
Language: english
Link: Publication URL
Type: Report / Study
Geopolitical: OSCE countries