Towards Convergence? Anti-discrimination Policies and Minority Rights Protection in the EaP Countries and the EU
- Arnold STEPANYAN, Georgia and
- Leo LITRA, Moldova
- Katalin SZABELY, Hungary
- Giorgi GOTSIRIDZE, Georgia
- Dmitry CHERNYH, Belarus
- Lavinia BANU, EU DG Justice
- Irene FEDOROVYCH, Ukraine
Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-9 October 2015
Organized by the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network and Minority Rights Group Europe
The Visegrád countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) adopted the anti-discrimination legislation in the early 2000s in the framework of the European Union accession process. The Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) are in different stages of building this framework and implementing the law. What can they learn from the experience of the Visegrád countries? How can they better promote the recognition of the anti-discrimination instruments among minorities?
The aim of the conference was to share experiences of and strengthen networking among minority representatives, civil society organizations and decision-makers on effective implementation of the anti-discrimination framework guaranteeing minority rights. Experts and NGO practitioners will share their experiences from both the Eastern Partnership and the Visegrád countries. The conference was organized by the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network and Minority Rights Group Europe on 8-9 October 2015 in Budapest, Hungary.
- Leo LITRA, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World Policy, Ukraine
- Giorgi GOTSIRIDZE, Young Lawyers Association of Georgia, Georgia
- Lavinia BANU, Non-discrimination Policy and Roma Coordination, DG Justice
- Kalman PETOCZ, Helsinki Committee, Slovakia
- Katalin SZAJBÉLY, Officeof the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary
- Márton UDVARI , attorney, Legal Defence Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities, Hungary
- Andrei BRIGHIDIN, Consultant to the Anti-Discrimination Coalition in Moldova and member of Equality Body, Moldova
- Arnold STEPANYAN, Public Movement Multinational Georgia, member of the Georgian Anti-Discrimination Coalition, Georgia
- anti-discrimination coalition from the Czech Republic – TBC
- Agnieszka MIKULSKA, Project Coordinator, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland
- Tetiana PECHONCHYK, Head of Board, Human Rights Information Centre, Ukraine / organisation implementing the anti-discrimination campaign in Ukraine
- Irene FEDOROVYCH, Social Action Centre/No Borders Project, Ukraine
- Larisa MINASYAN, Open Society Institute, Armenia
- Dmitry CHERNYH, Belarus Helsinki Committee, Belarus